Religion and Revolution

Religion in America

Religion as a Cause of Revolution

u  Revolutionary heritage

u  Resistance to Catholicism and tyranny

u  Resistance to Anglican hierarchy

u  Millennial expectations

u  Great Awakening; French & Indian War, 1754-63

u  Quebec Act of 1774

u  Took away assembly, legalized Catholicism, expanded borders

Attempt to land a bishop
in America, 1769

War and the Churches

u  Congregational clergy: solid supporters of the war

u  Sacred cause of liberty

u  Memories of Charles I and Cromwell

u  Loyalist churches split

u  Anglican Church dealt severe blow

u  Methodist Church fades

u  Presbyterians divided

u  John Witherspoon, Presbyterian Founding Father

u  Baptists reluctant

u  Catholics support the Revolution

u  Charles Carroll, Catholic Founding Father

u  Quakers: pacifists versus Patriots