Pentecostals and Fundamentalists

Religion in America

Interest in the Holy Spirit

          Liberal and evangelical Protestants: harness the Holy Spirit

          “Power for service”

          Faith healing

          Mary Baker Eddy and Christian Science, 1879

Interest in the Holy Spirit

          Holiness movement in postwar Northern Methodism

          Theory of outpouring of Holy Spirit

           Entire sanctification or perfectionism

           “Second blessing”

          Church of God (Indiana 1881)

          Church of the Nazarene (1907 from merger of groups founded in 1890s)


          W.J. Seymour, Azusa Street, L.A., 1906

           Baptism of the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts

           Speaking in tongues, faith healing, prophecy

Interest in Millennialism

          Liberal Postmillennialism

          Walter Rauschenbusch’s Brotherhood of the Kingdom

          Adventist Charles Taze Russell and Jehovah’s Witnesses

          Christ returned 1874, predicted rapture 1878 and Armageddon 1914

          Dispensational premillennialism

          John Nelson Darby & Niagara Conferences, 1880s

           Bible predictions are reliable, precise, plain

           Baconian science & Common Sense

           Arranging & classifying “hard facts” of Bible

Dispensational Premillennialism

            Seven dispensations

            New concept of the “pretribulation rapture”

            Current “parenthetical” age not in prophecy

Setting the Stage for Division

          Moody dies, 1899, and revivalism fragments

          Billy Sunday

          World War I, 1914-18; Russian Revolution, 1917

          Mainline churches support Wilson’s League of Nations

          War to end all wars -- another step towards the Millennium?

          Defeated in the Senate, 1919

          1920s: Retreat from reform; postmillennialism dealt a blow

Conservatives define themselves

         The Fundamentals, 1910-15

          Inerrancy of Scripture

          Authenticity of miracles: Christ’s virgin birth

          Christ’s substitutionary atonement


          Predicted events prove Bible’s truth and reliability

The Fundamentalist Controversy

          Harry Emerson Fosdick, Shall the Fundamentalists Win?, 1922

          “Fundamentals” not fundamental

          Fundamentalism an intolerant holdover from the past

          Christianity progresses over time

          Fundamentalists fail at Northern Baptist convention, 1922

          Fundamentalists fail at Northern Presbyterian General Assembly, 1923

          Conservatives divided; fear of schism

1925: Aftermath

         Fundamentalists no longer taken seriously

         Begin to look like popular stereotype

         Scopes trial, 1925

         Sinclair Lewis, Elmer Gantry, 1928

         Hurt by bizarre incidents

          Ku Klux Klan

          J. Frank Norris