Second Great Awakening
in the North

Religion in America

New England diaspora

u  After 1783 into New York

u  Erie Canal 1817-25

u  Northwest Territories

Transplanting New England

u  New England township

u  Long house lots, separate farmland, commons, Congregational Church

u  Establish church, school, often a college

Fire in the “Burnt-Over District”

u  Charles Grandison Finney

u  Presbyterian minister from Connecticut

u Rejects Calvinism

u  “New measures,” 1825-1835

u “Protracted meetings”

u The “anxious seat”

u Role of women

u  The fires of revival spread!

Fervor sweeps the nation

u  1820s-1836: High expectations

u  America: a new kind of nation

u  Freed from constraints of history

u  Confidence that all would be solved

u  1500 years of error to be overcome

u  Widespread expectation of the Millennium

Democratization of religion

u  Faith in the “common man”

u  Right to decide for oneself

u  Sola scriptura: pure Bible, pure doctrine

u  Arminianism replaces Calvinism

u  Vernacular preaching

u  Mass-market religious press

u  American popular religious music


Effects of the Second Great Awakening

u  Ministers: From office to profession

u  Belief in America’s divine role

u  Association of nation with Protestantism

u  Split between North and South

u  Northern Puritan influence: goal of godly, just society

u  Southern slave society: individualistic, gather the saved

u Attack personal sins: dancing, drinking, gambling, etc.


u  William Miller, Baptist minister from Vermont

u  Predicts millennium 1843

u  Recalculated for 1844

u  The “Great Disappointment”

u Hiram Edson: cleansing of temple in heaven

u  Seventh-Day Adventists, 1860-63

u  Ellen G. White


u  The Fox sisters, Hydesville, New York, 1848

u  Craze for séances

u  Spirit rappings

u  Spirit guides

u  Levitations

Disciples of Christ

u  Dismay at proliferation of denominations

u  Goal of Christian unity recedes

u  Restorationism

u  Thomas & Alexander Campbell, 1808

u “Where the Scriptures speak, we speak;
where the Scriptures are silent, we are silent”

u Simple creed; radical ecclesiology

u  Popular on frontier, along Ohio River

The Mormons

u  Joseph Smith, Palmyra, NY

u  Confusion of denominations

u  Treasure seeker

u  Angel Moroni, Mt. Cumorah, golden plates

u Translation of Book of Mormon, 1827-30

u  Restoration of the true church

u  Conversion in Kirtland, Ohio

u  Battle in Far West, Missouri, 1839

The Mormon Zion

u  Nauvoo, Illinois

u  Schism & strange new doctrines

u  Revelations

u  Polygamy

u  Arrested for destroying presses

u  Killed by mob, 1844

u  Brigham Young

u  Trek to Utah, 1846-48