The Conservative Turn

American Religious History


Explosion of Pentecostalism

       Popular music, praise music, “Christian rock”

       Growing Hispanic presence

       Influence on other churches: looser style, less liturgy

Rise of Evangelicalism

       Quiet suburban growth: megachurch

       From “truth-oriented” to “conversion-oriented”


       Early stars: Oral Roberts & Billy Graham

       Kathryn Kuhlman’s faith healings

       Pat Robertson, “700 Club” on CBN

       Jerry Falwell, “Moral Majority”

       Jimmy Swaggart & Jim Bakker of PTL

       Collapse in late ’80s

Catholic Conservative Turn

        Pope Paul VI

        Humanae Vitae, 1968: no artificial birth control

        Affirms celibate priesthood

        Pope John Paul II (1978-2005), celebrity pope

        Experience under Nazis and Communists

        Conservative on personal & sexual morality: Abortion issue

        Strengthened papal control of bishops & theology (continued by Benedict XVI, 2005-13)

        Problems in the priesthood: shortages and child sex abuse scandals

        The Hispanic challenge

a Changing World

       New Deal and Great Society: Government takes over some traditional roles

       Government forces racial integration in schools

       Southern denominations establish “white academies”

       Immorality? Divorce, Vietnam, youth rebellion, the sexual revolution, drugs, rock music

       Government and religion

       Feminism and the Equal Rights Amendment, 1972

       1977 battle against non-discrimination laws for homosexuals

       1979, conservative evangelicals oppose Roe v. Wade (1973)

Resurgence of Fundamentalism

       Axis from Oklahoma and Texas to southern California, funded with oil money

       Rise of Fundamentalist Seminaries

       Dallas Theological Seminary, center for dispensationalism

       Hal Lindsay, Late Great Planet Earth, 1970

       Tim LaHaye, Left Behind series, 1995

       Fundamentalists take over Southern Baptist Church, 1979

Families in a Changing Society

       Meaning of marriage changes to companionate marriage

       Working mothers, divorce, remarriage

       Challenge to traditional teachings

       Challenge of religious adherence

       Battle over same-sex marriage

       From theology to “morals” and “values”: James Dobson, “Focus on the Family,” 1977

Conservative Evangelical Politics

       Jimmy Carter, 1977-81, first born-again President

       New political activism

       Election of Ronald Reagan, 1980–88

       Republicans learn to cater to the religious right

       Robertson, ’88: Christian Coalition: Ralph Reed

       George W. Bush’s faith-based initiatives, 2001-2009

       Plateau and recent decline of membership

Recent Trends

       Reform Judaism rediscovers tradition

       Mainline denominations riven by controversies

       Ordination of women

       Anything having to do with homosexuals (lifestyle, ordination, marriage)

       Loss of young people, shrinking numbers

       Rising secularism? Disillusionment with overpoliticized churches?

       Recent poll: 30% not affiliated with any religious group