The Conservative Turn

American Religious History


Explosion of Pentecostalism

      Popular music, praise music, “Christian rock”

      Growing Hispanic presence

      Influences other churches: looser style, less liturgy

Catholic Conservative Turn

      Pope Paul VI

      Humanae Vitae, 1968: no artificial birth control

      Affirms celibate priesthood

      Pope John Paul II (1978-2005), celebrity pope

      Experience under Nazis and Communists

      Conservative on personal & sexual morality: Abortion issue

      Strengthened papal control of bishops & theology (continued by Benedict XVI, 2005-13)

      Problems in the priesthood: shortages and child sex abuse scandals

      The Hispanic challenge

Recent Trends

      Reform Judaism rediscovers tradition

      Mainline denominations riven by controversies

      Ordination of women

      Anything having to do with homosexuals (lifestyle, ordination, marriage)

      Loss of young people, shrinking numbers

      Rising secularism? Disillusionment with overpoliticized churches?

      Recent poll: 20% “no religion”